Consulting and Path

Adored goddess

A program to bring out the Goddess in you, where your female is recalled, recognized and cared for. Through the relationship with the male you can allow yourself to be “adored” with treatments of a pleasantness, intensity, presence and naturalness that only in the relationship between the genders can you try; Davide will allow you to abandon yourself to maximum relaxation and at the same time to feel the intensity of the pleasure you can afford; in this you will be accompanied by expert hands that listen to your body and follow its needs, inspirations and variations in intensity. You can do it for the pleasure of doing it or make it a useful experience to solve feelings of unease and inadequacy; in fact, it is also a program suitable for those women who are often subject to excessive and invasive sexual attentions by men who are not very attentive to their real needs; who often feel they are the object of the pleasure of others and they are not subject to their own pleasure; or women who have suffered absent or clumsy fathers or scarcely sensitive to women; or women who feel underestimated by men and cannot express their femininity as much and as they would like. To go in depth to cure feelings by reintegrating the deficiencies of affection, attention and caresses. From today you can start the journey leading to your growth and your change …
Duration: from 2 and a half hours to 3 hours.
1. Hydromassage with water massage. It promotes total relaxation, abandonment and leads back to the origins, with a gentle massage, being cradled, circular breathing and body contact.
2. Massage of your choice from those available, but I recommend the most suitable for this program: the Kashmiro.
3. Accompanied shower. After the massage, you will be soaped and gently washed with Re Media Erbe’s vegetable soaps.
4. Body / face treatment / massage with Re Media Herbal cream for body and face. A treatment suitable for your skin type to make you soft and fragrant; ready to get back beautiful in the world.

Sacred Sexuality


A program to learn more about your sexuality through assisted experimentation, guided experiences and deep presence. To find out what you don’t even imagine or to have the confirmations you were looking for. In this program you can explore unknown parts of yourself. With treatments of a pleasantness, intensity, presence and naturalness that only in the relationship between the genders can create. Davide will allow you to abandon yourself to the maximum of relaxation and at the same time to feel the intensity of the pleasure you can afford; in this you will be accompanied by expert hands that listen to your body and follow its needs, inspirations and variations in intensity. You can do it for the pleasure of doing it or make it a useful experience to solve feelings of unease and inadequacy; in fact, it is also a program suitable for those women who have cut off feelings and pleasure; or who feel little or less of what they would like; or that they are often the object of excessive attention, but different from how they would like it to be; even for those who are simply open and curious to try what their body can give them; To touch the bodily sensations in a true, deep, but also conscious way. From today you can start the journey leading to your growth and your change. Duration 3 hours.
1. Hydromassage with water massage. It promotes total relaxation, abandonment and leads back to the origins, with a gentle massage, where you will be cradled and experience circular breathing and body contact.
2. Massage of your choice from those available, but I recommend the most suitable for this program: biomassage (integrated total bioenergetic massage).
3. Deep massage. A discovery and an experience that can truly improve the relationship with your body; You will be put at ease and you will be able to use the best conditions and my experience to overcome obstacles, inconveniences, dissatisfactions, or simply to broaden your chances of feeling pleasure.
4. Counseling. Sharing and listening to your needs, sensations, questions and intuitions after the experience. Exchange and assistance to your current needs.

Soul temple


A program to cure the Temple of the soul: the body. You can give a few hours of care and well-being to your skin through this program thought for your skin, fluids, muscle tone and general body well-being. With pleasant, intense and high quality treatments; Davide will allow you to abandon yourself to maximum relaxation while your skin will be exfoliated and smoothed by the chocolate massage; while your tissues will be treated with lymphatic drainage and your muscle tone with an adequate massage. In this you will be accompanied by expert hands that listen to your body and follow its needs. Duration: from 2.5 hours and three hours.
1. Hydromassage with massage in the external tub water. Promotes total relaxation, abandonment and leads back to the origins, with a gentle massage; helps open the pores of the skin to prepare for the chocolate massage.
2. Chocolate or honey massage. I recommend the chocolate massage, but you can also choose the honey massage.
3. Anti-cellulite massage. A massage made with extra virgin olive oil which is a cure-all against the formation of cellulite.
4. Face and body cream treatment. A massage with Re Media Erbe vegetable cream for body and face. A treatment suitable for your skin type to make you soft and fragrant; ready to get back wonderful in the world.